Lines and Colors art blog

Nicolai Fechin drawings on Inspiration blog

Nicolai Fechin
Wow. Francis Vallejo has gifted us with a collection of drawings by the superb Russian-American artist Nicolai Fechin on his aptly named Inspiration blog.

Be sure to click on the images for the larger versions; in many cases they are quite large.

Some of the images are a bit rough, I don’t know if that’s a limitation of the photograph or the condition of the originals, but the drawings are so strong they shine through.

Absolutely wonderful.

[Via Paolo Rivera]


7 responses to “Nicolai Fechin drawings on Inspiration blog”

  1. OOH! 3 posts in one day, lucky us.
    All major time sinks.
    I do wish that the “Inspiration” blog credited the artists on the misc posts, some I recognize, others I wish I knew who the artist was/is.
    A lot to see among the 3.

  2. Fechin was undoubtedly influenced by Holbein, of whom in turn scholars noted that he used Da Vinci’s sfumato technique.
    Looking forward to the next NF post. He’s one of the best.
    Thank you, Charley.

    1. Unfortunately, I haven’t turned up much on Fechin so far. This is by far one of the best sources. Still digging.

  3. There is a brief article and YouTube video of Fechin on ‘Clarksville Online’.

    This also brings to mind the drawings of contemporary Max Turner who has adopted Fechins’ style.

  4. Certainly love the tone created. Beautiful lips on that 2nd to last image.

  5. I inherited 7 Fetchin drawings of Indians. They are very beautiful but they are not original charcoal drawings. I have been told they were printed by him and I have photographs of the home of my relative with the prints from the early 50’s. Are these prints valuable and does anyone know who I should talk to about them? Thanks – DLL

  6. Charley, I think the roughness of Fechin’s drawings come from the particular rice paper which Fechin favored.